Science has many disciplines, physics being one of them. The word physics has its origin in a Greek word, which means ‘nature’. Physics seeks the ultimate truth about the physical world. The main goal of physics is to seek out and understand the basic laws of nature upon which all physical phenomena depend.
Any law of physics formulated should not only explain the existing facts but should also predict future results, stand the test of experimental verification and stand the test of time. As never theories come up and laws get formulated, greater light is thrown on the nature of surroundings and various phenomena that occur.
The physical quantities that remain unchanged in a process are called conserved quantities. Some of the general conservation laws in nature include the laws of conservation of mass, energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, charge, parity, etc. Some conservation laws are true for one fundamental force but not for the other.
Conservation laws have a deep connection with symmetries of nature. Symmetries of space and time and other types of symmetries play a central role in modern theories of fundamental forces in nature.
Physics, Technology and Society:
Physics and technology are related to each other. Sometimes technology gives rise to new physics; at other times physics generates new technology. Both have a direct impact on society.
An example of the latter is the wireless communication technology that followed the discovery of the basic laws of electricity and magnetism in the nineteenth century.
Yet another important example of physics giving rise to technology is the silicon ‘chip’ that triggered the computer revolution in the last three decades of the twentieth century.
Physics is the study of nature and natural phenomena. Physicists try to discover the rules that are operating in nature, on the basis of observations, experimentation and analysis. Physics deals with certain basic rules/laws governing the natural world.