A notice is a very short piece of writing which is usually formal in style. It is widely used by individuals and organizations to announce events and celebrations, births and deaths, occasions like inaugurations or sales, to issue public instructions, to make appeals and to extend invitations besides issue notices of termination to the employees or another way round ie notice of leaving the job from the employee to the employer. Most notices are meant to be pinned up or pasted on special boards meant for this specific purpose only. There must be one or more such notice board in the school and other organization. Whereas notices issued by the Government departments and other big organization also appear in various newspapers.
How to Write a Notice?
Writing an effective notice is a kind of art that can be acquired with practice with keeping some basic points in mind while writing them out. Your notice should give complete information and must be written in a clear and lucid style and easily understandable language.
Content that a good effective notice must include in it are:
- Name of the Organization, Institution or Office issuing it
- Date of issuing of a particular notice.
- The heading ‘Notice’ to make it very clear.
- A suitable description/ eye-catching caption or heading to hold the immediate attention of the reader
- The purpose for which it has been written like calling a meeting, drawing attention, making an appeal or informing the general public about some issue of concern etc.
- Details of schedule i.e. date, time, venue, programme, duration etc. in case the notice is about an event to be organized in the near future.
- Format of Notice Writing
- Notice circulated for some kind of official/non-official Meeting should definitely have:-
- Date
- Time
- Venue
- Agenda/ Purpose
- Who is to attend
- Specific instructions
- Contact person/ Address
Format of Notice Writing (Official / Non-Official) for Example
Notice issued for informing about some Events
- Name
- Objective/ Purpose/ Occasion
- Date
- Time/ Duration
- Place/ Venue
- Essential qualifications/ Eligibility/ Conditions
- Contact address
- Specific instructions
- Depending upon the occasion, one can use suitable background images, logos or any graphic representing the event.
Notice for Lost and Found of article or other valuables
- Article Lost/ Found
- Date
- Time (approx)
- Place
- Identification marks (color, size, contents, material)
- Contents
- Whom to contact, When and Where