General Circuit Element Symbols
General Circuit Element Symbols
Heating Effect of Electric Current & Power
Heating Effect of Electric Current
Explanation → Battery or a cell is a source of electrical energy.
Battery or cell (Chemical reaction...
Resistance of a system of resistors: Series & Parallel
Resistance in Series (Maximum Effective Resistance)
Let us take three conductors/resistors of resistance R1, R2 and R3 that areconnected in series in a circuit.
Ohm’s law...
Ohm’s Law
Ohm's law
George Simon Ohm found the relationship between the current (I) flowing through a conductor and potential difference (V) across the terminals of a...
General Electric Devices- Ammeter & Voltmeter
It is an instrument used to measure the electric current in a circuit. It is always connected in series in a circuit. It has...
General Terms Related to Electricity
Charge → (q)
A charge is a characteristic unit of the matter by means of which matter experiences electric forces. It...