chemistry 12th class cbse notes

Fructose (Ketohexose)

Fructose is an important ketohexose. It is obtained along with glucose by the hydrolysis of disaccharide, sucrose.

Fructose also has the molecular formula C6H12O6.

Fructose (Ketohexose)

The ring, thus formed is a five-membered ring and is named as furanose with analogy to the compound furan. Furan is a five-membered cyclic compound with one oxygen and four carbon atoms.

Fructose (Ketohexose)

The cyclic structures of two anomers of fructose are represented by Haworth structures as given

Fructose (Ketohexose)

Comparison of Glucose and Fructose

Comparison of Glucose and Fructose



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