Stoichiometry and Stoichiometry Calculations
The word ‘stoichiometry’ is derived from two Greek words – Stoicheion (meaning element) and metron (meaning measure).
Mole Concept
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
The origin of the idea that matter is composed of small indivisible particles called ‘a-Tomio’ (meaning — indivisible). In 1808, Dalton published...
Laws of Chemical Combinations
Laws of Chemical Combinations
The combination of elements to form compounds is governed by the following five basic laws.
Law of conservative...
Significant Figures
Significant Figures
The reliability of a measurement is indicated by the number of digits used to represent it. To express it more accurately we express...
Matter, Measurement, SI Unit
Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the composition, structure and properties of matter. Chemistry is called the science of atoms and...